

Forskningsrapport: From rights on paper to rights in action. Exploited migrant workers´ access to remedy in Baltic Sea RegionThis report addresses grievance mechanisms and access to remedy for migrant workers who experience labour exploitation in Finland, Norway and Sweden, as well as in the Baltic Sea region at large. (Report launch Nov 15, 2024)
Forskningsartikkel: Access to Effective Remedy and Grievance Mechanisms. A Brief Review of the Situation for Exploited Migrant Workers in Finland and Norway (2024). Lansert 5. april i år.
Forskningsrapport: Rekruttering av migrantarbeidere. En studie av norsk matproduksjon (2023). Lansert 7. august i år.


Se webinar for Modern Slavery in a humanitarian context – What Does the Data Say? her, først vist juni 2021.
Gjester: Helen McCabe, Aidan McQuade, Sophie Otiende and Kate van Doore
Moderert av Tina Davis

Se webinar for «Child Labour–What Does the Data Say?» her.

Gjester: Urmilla Bhoola, Cindy Berman, Jolijn Engelbertink, Marina Apgar and Purva Gupta Moderert av Tina Davis

Se webinar for «International Year to Eliminate Child Labour» her, først vist 21. januar 2021
Gjester: Dag Inge Ulstein, Tomoya Obokata, Sophie Otiende and Mahmudul Hoque
Moderert av Tina Davis

Se webinar for «Modern Slavery and Covid-19» her, først vist 2. desember 2020
Gjester: Cindy Berman, Jodie Henderson and Victor Ochen
Moderert av Tina Davis